Egg Hunt - 28th March 2016
After the egg prizes at the quiz night there were more eggs up for grabs - this time by the youngsters - when the RA committee held its annual Easter hunt on Bank Holiday Monday

Just setting the scene for the younger ones proved tricky in the swirling wind but as ever the resourceful Lord family found a way.

Meanwhile organiser committee member Priscilla McNair, for whom the Easter Egg Hunt has become an annual challenge, prepared the refreshments and hid a few spare eggs in a convenient location.
The crowds gathered by the gate for the official opening.

As ever, the Easter chicks loved collecting the cunningly hidden eggs, but perhaps the highlights of the windy day were chasing after tablecloths, signage and the balloons which deflated with a delightful bang when they landed in the hedge where the smaller collectors were jumping in puddles.

Thanks to Laura, Tom and lmogen Lord and to John and Jane Pellaumail for all their help. Especial thanks to Priscilla McNair, whose efforts raised £55 in donations.