Egg Hunt - 2nd April 2018

The Residents' Association committee held its annual Easter egg hunt on Easter Monday, the 2nd April. Thanks once again to Crazies Hill Primary School for allowing us to use their sports field.
It had been raining for nearly a week before Easter Monday and it did not stop for the annual egg hunt. This left Laura Lord, the main organiser to ponder if anyone would turn up?

Laura need not have worried, the rain did not deter a dozen intrepid children, (who must have realised that skin is waterproof), from turning up to search for the eggs the Easter Bunny had left on the field.

Some positively revelled in the conditions

The parents wisely stood around chatting , trying to keep dry, drinking coffee and eating hot cross buns supplied by committee members Laura Lord and Sue Robinson.

Many thanks to all those who helped out. And to the Easter Bunny who seems to have morphed into something else this year.