Quiz Night - 07th March 2015
The night the stars came out
Such was the demand for tickets at the Village's spring Oscars' themed quiz night that even our local neighbour and Hollywood mega star George Clooney was unable to secure a place in a team. But not to miss out on the event he agreed to attend to present the prize to the eventual winner.
Here he is with committee member Phil Davies (Phil is the one on the left if you are wondering.)

Local residents joined in to reproduce the usual glamour of the Oscars with Venetia and Selina in their posh frocks.

With the hall packed to capacity and the multi media display screen set up the residents settled themselves down to forming their teams and deciding on the most important question of the evening. What to call themselves. Having an original team name is always a precursor to success.

Meanwhile quiz master Dave Smith explained the rules of engagement for the evening. There would be eight rounds with eight questions including a music round (theme tunes) and a picture round (film clips). Round five would be a written question sheet which was to be answered during our cinema food supper. Patrons of the theatre enjoyed nachos, popcorn, hot dogs and ice cream. Many thanks to our local sponsors Rollover Ltd for providing most of the food and equipment.
Jokers could be played which would double the points on that round leading to much discussion amongst the teams on the tactics to employ. One small technical hitch lead to Dave adopting an unusual approach with the microphone. At least it was only his ear he used.

With the preliminaries out of the way the quiz could begin with the quiz master's assistants Julia and Jane keeping the scores and the laser display board under control. Meanwhile Annie and Phil kept the contestants well supplied with liquid refreshments.

Eventually after a long but fun filled battle to see who were the film buffs of Crazies Hill and Cockpole Green the final scores were announced and it was an emphatic victory for the Mouseketeers. The 3 Amigos though deserve an honourable mention for coming in second as they had only three people in their team.

Gary collected the Oscar from George on behalf of the Mouseketeer team and then attempted to go for the world record for the longest acceptance speech. Turning off the microphone cut short his bid for an entry into the Guinness book of world records.

All in all it was another great evening and our thanks go to: Quiz Compiler John Pellaumail; Quiz Master Dave Smith; Set Designer Tess Dixon, Head and Sous– chefs Cath Reynolds and Priscilla McNair; Head Barman Phil Davies and his lovely assistant Annie;: Producer’s Assistants Jane Pellaumail and Julia Smith and scene shifter Ken Brown.
Thanks, too, to all those who turned up to support our Residents’ Association, recognising that without it and all the work it does on our behalf, the village would be a much poorer place.